As regular readers of this blog know, I have an amusing, ongoing, intriguing and frustrating obsession with the new Kraft “Happy Sandwich” campaign, particularly in regards to the MySpace portion of their campaign. I thought for SURE I was done posting about it, but after getting this message in my MySpace inbox, I couldn’t resist.


Egads. In case you missed that, Kraft’s opening quip is:

“We have received more Happy Sandwich videos than your local video store!”


Kraft, can you tell me why exactly my local video store would be receiving ANY Happy Sandwich videos? Aren’t you basically just saying that you received more than zero videos? Since ya know, that’s as many as a local video store would receive?

This has to be one of the worst opening line jokes to an e-mail ever. Talk about lame, this is uber-lame. So yeah, it’s a bad joke. But to make things even worse it DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE!

Like I said, I didn’t WANT to post about Kraft again, but I just couldn’t resist, it was too easy. I hope, for the sake of my readers (who are probably burnt out on this story) that Kraft keeps a low profile the next few days.

Seriously guys, no press releases talking about how nothing improves leftover turkey like melting some Kraft singles on it….because if I ever see that press release, I might have an aneurysm.

Your move Kraft.

3 Responses

  1. shatraw

    wow, that copywriter needs to be fired immediately. and i should be hired to replace him/her.

    “Man, we got like a shit ton of Happy Sandwich videos and it’s all good!”

  2. shatraw

    all, that insufferable jackass punctuated every sentence in that paragraph with exclamation points.

    i really hate that copywriter.


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