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So Good Blog/News Round-Up 5/7/09

Become a fan of So Good on Facebook. Has an early version of the original Dr Pepper recipe been found? Strawberry salsa in an avocado bowl. Burger King to team up with Star Trek, GI Joe,...
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Susan Boyle: The Pizza

Yes, a Susan Boyle themed pizza. The Scotsman reports that a bakery in Scotland called Sayers, has created the "Olive Boyle" pizza as a tribute to the exceptional skill of Susan Boyle in the categories of ...
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So Good Blog/News Round-Up 4/29/09

Keep eating bacon folks, it won't give you swine flu. Eat more red meat, die sooner. Favorite summer beers. The Atlantic reports on whiskey-aged beers. A Sour Apple Tree  reviews KFC Grilled...