So Good Blog/News Round-Up 3/3/08 Eick March 3, 2008 Beer, Booze, Candy, Cheese, Cooking, Fast Food, News, Pizza, Restaurants, Salad, Television, Top Chef 2 Comments I just discovered a great new site called College Drinker, who writes that Vermont is considering lowering the drinking age to 18. Adam from Serious Eats, reviews delivery pizza for Yahoo Food. Burger King is going to start serving Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. Top Chef Season 3 winner Hung has been named Executive Chef of Solo, a Mediterranean-Asian fusion kosher restaurant in Manhattan. Candy Addict reviews Wildly Cherry M&M’s. The Hungover Gourmet criticizes the host of Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives for doing a commercial for TGI Friday’s. JoyTheBaker makes oatmeal sandwich cookies. Diet, Dessert and Dogs has a recipe for bittersweet salad with apples and dandelion greens. The following two tabs change content below.BioLatest Posts Eick Latest posts by Eick (see all) Fast Food Bracket Round 1: Jack in the Box vs. Five Guys, KFC vs. Checkers - March 3, 2016 BK’s “Polygameat” Campaign Shockingly Similar to Wendy’s “Meatatarian” Campaign - September 16, 2014 Surge Wins Discontinued Foods Bracket! - April 12, 2013 2 Responses Ricki March 3rd, 2008 Well, Jon, I am just tickled to be includied in this venerable list! (Next to Wildly Cherry M&M’s? That’s got to be chocolate, right? And Kraft Dinner (that’s the Canadian name for it, a la Barenaked Ladies song)–why, that’s a Canadian Food institution on its own!! So thanks! Tickled, truly. (But sorry about the timing. This morning I posted a note saying that I’ll be taking a few days off from blogging. . . but there are always the archives for the hoards of readers who will now be flocking to my blog. . . ). 😉 Reply Leave a ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Current ye@r * Leave this field empty
Ricki March 3rd, 2008 Well, Jon, I am just tickled to be includied in this venerable list! (Next to Wildly Cherry M&M’s? That’s got to be chocolate, right? And Kraft Dinner (that’s the Canadian name for it, a la Barenaked Ladies song)–why, that’s a Canadian Food institution on its own!! So thanks! Tickled, truly. (But sorry about the timing. This morning I posted a note saying that I’ll be taking a few days off from blogging. . . but there are always the archives for the hoards of readers who will now be flocking to my blog. . . ). 😉 Reply