After I first proposed the idea of a pulled pork cheesesteak, but before I had even had a chance to make one myself, one of my favorite readers, Chef Mike, contacted me to share the version of the pulled pork cheesesteak that he had created.  Well, Chef Mike is at it again, sending in a photo from something he tried at the Virginia state fair: Pulled Pork Parfait.

Chef Mike descibred it as:

layered mashed potatoes, BBQ sauce (hickory brown sugar, by the taste of it) and pulled pork

Sounds delicious.  Although the idea of piling foods together like that reminds me of Patton Oswalt’s comedy bit on the KFC bowls, which he describes as a “sadness pile in a failure bowl.”

4 Responses

  1. Suez

    The pulled pork parfait looks so good I want to serve it for a group. I can’t find plastic glasses that will take the heat. Can you help?]


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