A little less than six weeks ago, So Good kicked off what I thought would be a relatively fun contest that ended up being a smashing success, leading to impassioned readers voracisiously defending their meat of choice. I’m talking, of course, about Meat Madness.  When we began, we had 32 humble meats and a bevy of interesting first round match-ups.  We even had some copycats and controversy along the way. When we concluded, we were left with just one meat champion, Bacon, powered to victory in no small part by the strong support of a legion of pro-Bacon bloggers.

For those of you in Meat Madness office pools or just following along at home, I’d like to provide you with a bracket showing the final results of this heated 6-week battle.  Click on the bracket below to see a full size version of it. This final bracket includes not only the winners in each match-up, but the final percentage breakdown in votes for each and every match-up.  Enjoy!


12 Responses

  1. Youppi

    If only the tournament lasted longer, maybe the Swine Flu would have influenced some voters to swing the other way and Steak would have gotten the love it deserves…

  2. Bear Silber

    There should have been a faux meat category, I love me some imitation crab meat (I think it’s mostly rufi) and Tofurkey is awesome, as is tofu!!


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