In June, Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane announced he was debuting a new internet “show” called Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy.

The plan was for the show to make money by featuring an ad attached to each 2-minute video. In late August, MacFarlane found a more regular sponsor, Burger King. Each video clip he produces features an animated version of The King bursting through a movie screen, with a note that the show is sponsored by Burger King.

MacFarlane debuted his first clip/episode/video last Wednesday, putting it up on a new Burger King YouTube channel set up solely to feature the show.  Check out one of the first videos, Why Bob Marley Should Not Have Acted As His Own Attorney:

MacFarlane has three additional videos that have been released, Super Mario, A Dog on the $25,000 Pyramid and Adopted. Click below the fold to view them all.

Strangely, one of the first videos, called “Super Mario” is no longer available on YouTube, but can be seen on Seth’s website. Check it out, along with the other two videos:

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