Recently I’ve started drinking avocado strawberry smoothies for breakfast. They are so delicious and now I can’t imagine my mornings without a smoothie. I especially love the smoothies with avocado. The avocado adds a great creamy texture, almost milkshake like consistency. avacado-strawberry-smoothie If you add strawberries and frozen banana you will get cool and refreshing smoothie that tastes like a dessert more than anything else and offers plenty of vitamins and nutrients. You’ll save money by making this at-home instead of coughing up cash to Jamba Juice prices depending on where you live. The natural healthy fats from avocado transform this smoothie into a luscious velvety shake.


  Bananas and strawberries are exceptionally healthy foods that provide numerous health benefits. Bananas are high in potassium and low in salt and able to lower blood pressure, protect against heart attack and stroke and act as a prebiotic. Strawberries are extremely high in vitamin C, which helps boost your immunity and protects you from infections. They are also high in potassium which prevent the breakdown of bone that comes with age. Because all of that, this avocado strawberry smoothie recipe is an awesome way to start off a day in a healthy way.   

Avocado strawberry smoothe
Serves 1
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Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. ½ 12 oz avocado
  2. 4 oz fresh strawberries
  3. 1 tbsp honey
  4. 1 small frozen or fresh banana
  5. 2 tbsp water
  6. 1 tsp lemon juice
  1. Cut the avocado in half and remove the seed. Use a spoon to scoop out the avocado flesh. Combine the avocado, strawberries, honey, water, lemon juice and banana in a blender and puree until smooth. Serve immediately.
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Nutella lover, coffee addict and a dreamer in love with photography
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Recipe Name
Avocado Strawberry Smoothie
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2 Responses

  1. KarenE

    This sounds delicious! I’ll try it on my son, who isn’t a fruit eater, but loves smoothies.

    When I lived in Brazil I learned to treat avocado as a fruit. Besides smoothies, you can make a delicious ‘pudding’ by putting ripe avocado into the blender or food processor with a bit of sugar and milk or cream. Blend ’til smooth, stir or blend in a few squeezes of lemon juice right at the end. Delicious! And if you want to look REALLY sophisticated, put a teaspoon of some citrusy liquer like Grand Marnier into the bottom of a wine glass, add the avocado pudding and run some thick cream or creme fraiche over the top. Only drawback at dinner-party time is that it really does have to be prepared last minute, to avoid any darkening of the avocado.


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