I have a huge lavender plant growing in my backyard and I often think of ways to use it besides the obvious potpourri, candles and bath salts.  I thought at first why would I want to eat something that reminds me of perfume and toiletries? But give me a challenge and I’m diving right in. 

So I made a few batches of test cookies and bread and then I thought ‘cupcakes?,’ which turned into breakfast muffins with lavender.  So after all of the toying around in the kitchen the final product is a light and fluffy lavender muffin with the addition of fresh blueberries and a hint of lemon because it blends so nicely with the two.

The transformation possibilities of food are amazing, after eating these muffins I have a whole new respect for lavender and will never again think of it as strictly a bathroom complement. You simply have to try this blueberry lavender muffin recipe to understand how awesome it is! Looking to cook muffins but can’t find any lavender? Try out our chocolate chip banana nut muffin recipe.

Blueberry Lavender Muffins
Serves 20
Light and Fluffy Breakfast Muffin
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
30 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
20 min
Total Time
30 min
  1. 3 cups all purpose flour
  2. 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  3. 2 tbsp. baking powder
  4. 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  5. 1 lemon, zested
  6. 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  7. 3 whole eggs
  8. 1 1/4 cup milk
  9. 2 tbsp. lemon juice
  10. 1 tsp dried lavender
  11. 1 cup fresh blueberries
  12. paper baking cups
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Prepare two standard muffin tins with paper baking cups for 20 muffins.
  2. In large bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and lemon zest.
  3. In a small bowl crush lavender with the back of a small spoon until pedals are broken into pieces and smell very fragrant. Add to flour mixture listed above.
  4. In a separate bowl or large measuring cup combine oil, milk, eggs, and lemon juice into fully incorporated.
  5. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix to about the half way point, add blueberries and gently fold them in until batter is mostly incorporated but not over mixed.
  6. Using a portion scoop, evenly scoop batter into prepared muffin tins, Knock tins on counter twice to loosen any bubbles in batter from folding.
  7. Bake muffins in oven for 18 - 20 minutes, rotating pans halfway through cooking process.
  8. Allow muffins to cool in tins for 2 - 3 minutes before removing.
So Good Blog http://www.sogoodblog.com/






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Blueberry Lavender Muffins
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