It’s Monday, So Good readers, which means it’s time for another Eating Styles poll. This week’s topic: Pop-Tarts!

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Specifically, do you toast them? While I admire the preparedness and gourmandism of those who always toast their Pop-Tarts, I personally never seem to find the time. A Pop-Tart, for me is a treat hastily and guiltily scarfed down at work or in the car. Also, I can never seem to eat a toasted Pop-Tart with enough finess or patience to not burn my tongue on the scalding hot interior. BUT toasting your Pop-Tart makes it gooey and warm, and results in an all-around better culinary experience. Do you toast your Pop-Tart, So Good readers? Vote below and explain in the comments.


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My name is Sam and all I care about is food.

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8 Responses

    • Jacqueline

      microwaving them is the way to go! you dont have to worry about the possibility of burning them and its quicker

  1. c_s

    It depends on the flavor, yo! Some are best toasted while others are best as-is or even frozen. Others are best microwaved. Some examples: smores and chocolate chip should be toasted, frosted fruity flavors left as-is, cookie-dough is great frozen, and unfrosted fruity flavors are best microwaved and then buttered :).

  2. Alyce

    Yes, and butter them! Which is a bad habit devloped by a Midwestern mom who put butter or mayonnaise on everything. Good thing Ionly ever buy a box once every 18 months.

  3. Heather

    I’ve never been a big fan of toasted Pop-tarts. To truly get the filling hot, you have to burn the crust little and that just ruins the whole experience for me. Plus, if I have time to toast something, then I probably have time to sit down and eat a more legitimate breakfast, like waffles or cereal. Microwaving a Pop-tart takes less time, but it often ends up a bit on the tough side. I like to eat my Pop-tarts straight out of the pack since it’s more convenient and I like the raw, doughy flavor. Brown sugar cinnamon ones are the one exception. They need to be heated for the flavor to really come through.


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