It’s Monday, So Good readers, which means it’s time for another Eating Styles poll. This week’s topic: Pop-Tarts! Specifically, do you toast them? While I admire the preparedness and gourmandism of those who always toast their Pop-Tarts, I personally never seem to find the time. A Pop-Tart, for me is a treat hastily and guiltily scarfed down at work or in the car. Also, I can never seem to eat a toasted Pop-Tart with enough finess or patience to not burn my tongue on the scalding hot interior. BUT toasting your Pop-Tart makes it gooey and warm, and results in an all-around better culinary experience. Do you toast your Pop-Tart, So Good readers? Vote below and explain in the comments. Take Our Poll The following two tabs change content below.BioLatest Posts Sam My name is Sam and all I care about is food. Latest posts by Sam (see all) Quick Bite: French Toast Crunch - March 8, 2014 Eating Styles: Would You Eat Horse Meat? - November 18, 2013 Deep Fried Everything Ep 153 - November 14, 2013 8 Responses Eick November 11th, 2013 I don’t always, but when I do, I’m always glad I did. Reply Jon November 11th, 2013 You’ve got to microwave them – 15 to 18 seconds is the key. Try it! Reply Jacqueline December 10th, 2013 microwaving them is the way to go! you dont have to worry about the possibility of burning them and its quicker Reply Von Berry November 11th, 2013 Nah, always in a rush when I eat pop-tarts. Reply c_s November 13th, 2013 It depends on the flavor, yo! Some are best toasted while others are best as-is or even frozen. Others are best microwaved. Some examples: smores and chocolate chip should be toasted, frosted fruity flavors left as-is, cookie-dough is great frozen, and unfrosted fruity flavors are best microwaved and then buttered :). Reply Alyce November 15th, 2013 Yes, and butter them! Which is a bad habit devloped by a Midwestern mom who put butter or mayonnaise on everything. Good thing Ionly ever buy a box once every 18 months. Reply bubblegum casting November 16th, 2013 mmmm pop tarts! Reply Heather November 28th, 2013 I’ve never been a big fan of toasted Pop-tarts. To truly get the filling hot, you have to burn the crust little and that just ruins the whole experience for me. Plus, if I have time to toast something, then I probably have time to sit down and eat a more legitimate breakfast, like waffles or cereal. Microwaving a Pop-tart takes less time, but it often ends up a bit on the tough side. I like to eat my Pop-tarts straight out of the pack since it’s more convenient and I like the raw, doughy flavor. Brown sugar cinnamon ones are the one exception. They need to be heated for the flavor to really come through. Reply Leave a ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Current ye@r * Leave this field empty
Jacqueline December 10th, 2013 microwaving them is the way to go! you dont have to worry about the possibility of burning them and its quicker Reply
c_s November 13th, 2013 It depends on the flavor, yo! Some are best toasted while others are best as-is or even frozen. Others are best microwaved. Some examples: smores and chocolate chip should be toasted, frosted fruity flavors left as-is, cookie-dough is great frozen, and unfrosted fruity flavors are best microwaved and then buttered :). Reply
Alyce November 15th, 2013 Yes, and butter them! Which is a bad habit devloped by a Midwestern mom who put butter or mayonnaise on everything. Good thing Ionly ever buy a box once every 18 months. Reply
Heather November 28th, 2013 I’ve never been a big fan of toasted Pop-tarts. To truly get the filling hot, you have to burn the crust little and that just ruins the whole experience for me. Plus, if I have time to toast something, then I probably have time to sit down and eat a more legitimate breakfast, like waffles or cereal. Microwaving a Pop-tart takes less time, but it often ends up a bit on the tough side. I like to eat my Pop-tarts straight out of the pack since it’s more convenient and I like the raw, doughy flavor. Brown sugar cinnamon ones are the one exception. They need to be heated for the flavor to really come through. Reply