The “United States of Preformed Pork Rib Fan” is officially on suicide watch, after McDonald’s announced they would not be rolling out the McRib sandwich nationally.

Tyler Litchenberger, a McDonald’s spokeswoman, said the company had “other national priorities” this year, such as its new Mighty Wings. She noted it would be carried by franchises who wanted to make room for the BBQ sauce slathered favorite of many Americans.

Unlike Canada, where the McRib has been rolled out Coast to Coast, many folks in ‘Murica need to start planning lengthy pilgrimages or find someone on Craigslist willing to ship.

Click here for a helpful “McRib Locator” to help get your journey started.


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4 Responses

  1. M86

    I wonder if it has anything to do with that picture of that frozen McRib that has been floating around online?

    • Eick

      Frozen McRibs. Hmm.. I guess it wouldn’t be too much of a difference. We have a post coming up soon with a McRib recipe. We will never let it leave us forever!

  2. Ian

    clearly the reason its not being brought back is because the animal they use to make it has gone extinct


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