We talk a lot about fast food here at So Good. This is despite the fact that I do not eat fast food on a regular basis. However, it is an extremely competitive industry and I am fascinated by the new food creations these companies come up with, and the strategies they employ when marketing them. However, my frequent discussion of these unhealthy products is by no means an endorsement from me that these foods should be the primary focus of anyones diet.


When it comes to how and what we eat, I am most definitely a libertarian. Keep the government away from my food, and let me eat whatever the hell I want. However, this is an attitude I take towards adults, who can, and should make their own eating choices. Children are a whole different matter, and while parents are free to make whatever diet choices they want with their own kids, our schools, which teach English, math and science, should also teach healthy eating habits.

A few days ago, an amendment to the farm bill, titled the National School Nutrition Standards Amendment, was dropped from the bill. The amendment would have banned most candy, cakes and cookies from schools, as well as heavily restrict the availability of sugary drinks. This is something I am 100% behind, and the amendment even got the backing of companies such as Nestle, Coca-Cola and Frito-Lay (kudos to them for taking that step). So why was it dropped? Well Chris, over at AmericaBlog, says we should blame the Republicans, who helped kill the amendment in order to protect their friends in the junk food industry.

Other reasons it could have failed are that it creates restrictions that would affect foods many would argue are not junk food. The most interesting example being the fact that it would ban whole and 2% milk. Also, some Democrats objected to federal preemption of stricter state standards that are already in effect.

The bottom line is this: We should not be selling soda, potato chips, cookies or other unhealthy snacks and foods in schools. If kids are thirsty, they should learn to drink water or juice, and they should learn to embrace healthy, wholesome meals. Once they leave the school, they are free to eat whatever they want. We teach our kids the best way to speak English or solve a math problem, we should also teach them the best way to eat as they move forward with their lives.

3 Responses

  1. shatraw

    the irony here, eick, is the same marketing schemes you analyze and are fascinated by are to blame a healthy amount for this too. kids are suckers for advertising. if they see something they want, they’ll bother mommy or daddy until they get it. and when if comes to shit food, if they don’t get it from mom or dad, they can get it from our trusty schools.

    this bill passing would have indicated that our government has an interest in what goes on at public schools in america. clearly they don’t. before long, “no child left behind” is going to require a fleet of forklifts just to move the fat little bastards.

    shame shame shame on the fed.

  2. Steve Johnson

    Kids have been gorging themselves on candy, burgers, and sodas for decades. Junk food is hardly a recent phenomenon.

    The difference is that kids today don’t burn off the calories. They play Nintendo, surf the Internet, instead of playing outside. Their parents drive them to school, instead walking or riding their bikes.


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