It’s summertime, and backyard barbecue spreads are rolling out in all their blackened, seasoned, succulent glory. Those meaty main dishes can’t stand up by themselves, though. They need all their side dish friends with them – chips, corn, baked beans, and – yes – tuna salad.

The thing about tuna salad is it doesn’t really know what it wants to be. Your Aunt Minnie might bring a bowl of tuna chunks, potatoes, capers, and arugula while your neighbor sits there with his bowl of green-and-red speckled white yogurt paste. One is more conducive to a fork and one is more fit for cracker dipping, but they’re both calling it tuna salad. You could call it an identity crisis.

What do you put in your unique little bundle of joy, So Good readers? Mayo? Chickpeas? Tomatoes? Celery? Something more esoteric, like tarragon? Are your salads esoteric? Can a salad be esoteric? Anyway…vote for your favorite tuna salad ingredients! I know I’m missing a lot of possible ingredients here, so feel free to choose “other” and go crazy in the comments section.

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My name is Sam and all I care about is food.

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10 Responses

  1. Cynthia

    mayo (not miracle whip, ever), mustard, diced pickle, salt and pepper, that’s it.

  2. tuffgong67

    Always going to have mayo and onion (which I suspect accounts for many of the “other” votes). A little Dijon mustard, maybe a few chopped green olives (Manzanilla or otherwise), a bit of dill relish, S&P, on a lo-so saltine. You’re welcome.

  3. tuffgong67

    Oh yeah… Duke’s mayonnaise is, by far, your mayo of choice. Go with Hellman’s if you have to. MW and its stunningly high HFCS content is simply a crime against nature. And tuna. And egg salad and leftover turkey sammiches.

  4. Eick

    I’ll use celery if it’s around. I HATE relish in my tuna salad, completely ruins it for me. I go mayo, salt and pepper and lots of tarragon.

  5. Julie

    I just started making tuna with mayo, garlic and onion powder, and fresh chopped basil with lettuce and tomato on a pita. It’s seriously amazing.

  6. thomas

    Tuna, mayo, capers, and maybe some artichokes plus a little salt and pepper. If I happen to have some boiled eggs around I might add one.

  7. courtney

    tuna, light mayo, siracha (key!!), onion, celery, onion powder, garlic powder, s&p warmed up in a pita on the stove top.


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