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So Good Blog/News Round-Up 1/13/12

Paula Deen has diabetes. Up to  113 Food Lion stores closing in the Southeast. Pfizers baby food unit is being sold. Greek Yogurt is big in Upstate New York. Can your charcoal make a difference...
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Pickles and Ice Cream

Name two things that will be trendy to make at home in 2012.  Terrible Carnak rip off aside, I have been putting some thought into what 2012 will bring about in the world of food. I...
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So Good Blog/News Round-Up 1/6/12

Self cleaning cheese inspired smart plastic. 19 people ill from drug resistant salmonella. Are you ready for the Dark Vador burger. A new Girl Scout cookie is available this year. Genetically...
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So Good Blog/News Round-Up 12/30/11

Butterball Turkey factory raided. Pets need food pantry's too. FSIS warns manufacturers not to change practices before inspections. Soul Food is killing black America. Billy Corgan is opening a...
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Eating Well on the Road

During this holiday travel season, eating on the road is a reality for many of us. Up until fairly recently I traveled a lot for work. Like many of you, I always viewed road trips as a free for all of fast...
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So Good Blog/News Round-Up 12/16/11

New USDA My Plate recommendations only followed 2% of the time. US food aid to North Korea could resume. Food producers spend millions on lobbyists. Food safety systems are on their way to...
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So Good Blog/News Round-Up 12/9/11

E. Coli outbreak traced to romaine lettuce. Food shortages and price increases are hitting across the globe. Connecticut state employees fraudulently received food stamps. Argentinian beef is...