If you love awesome southern desserts, you’ll want to dive into peanut butter pie. It’s easy, it’s creamy, and it’s awesome on a hot Arizona summer day. The frozen pie cools your entire body while satisfying your sweet tooth. Peanut butter, whipped cream, and chocolate icing mix together in a wonderful treat whether you’re going to a bake sale or a family gathering. I love fluffy pies, especially chocolate or peanut butter pies and this pie is perfectly peaked with fluffiness. It’s like eating an airy Reese’s peanut butter cup. Who doesn’t want to enjoy that when the sun is beating down and you’re sweating to death?

Even if you’re not that familiar with pie making, this pie will be simple. It’s not nearly as complicated at a traditional fruit pie where you have to mix the filling and create the dough. This recipe uses a great pre-made graham cracker crust that adds crunch and buttery deliciousness. The filling also only needs to be mixed slightly with a mixer and combined. And it includes homemade whipped cream! As long as you don’t whip the cream into a curdle, this recipe should be sweet and a perfect marriage of peanut butter and chocolate. It also takes essentially no time to make. The freezer does all the work of helping the pie reach its peak of taste. If after this pie, you’re feeling particularly savvy about your baking abilities,  you may want to try making the Maple Pecan Pie for another dazzler in your mouth.


Peanut Butter Pie
Yields 8
A quick and easy peanut butter pie recipe.
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
1 hr
Total Time
1 hr 10 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
1 hr
Total Time
1 hr 10 min
  1. ¼ cup milk
  2. ½ cup chocolate chips
  3. 1, 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened
  4. ½ cup creamy peanut butter
  5. 1 cup powdered sugar
  6. 1 TS (Teaspoon) cinnamon
  7. 1 cup heavy cream
  8. 1 TS vanilla extract
  9. 1, 9-inch pre-made graham cracker crust
  10. ¼ cup peanuts roughly chopped (You can choose between salted and unsalted based on your preference. I like unsalted because it lets the sugary pie shine.)
  1. In a small saucepan, warm the milk over low heat
  2. Remove from heat and stir in chocolate chips until melted completely
  3. Let mixture cool while you make the rest of the pie, mixture should thicken but still be pourable
  4. Beat together the cream cheese, peanut butter, cinnamon, and powdered sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer on high
  5. In another large bowl, beat together the heavy cream and vanilla until the soft peaks of whipped cream have formed
  6. Add 1/3 of the whipped cream to the peanut butter mixture and mix until fully combined
  7. Fold in remaining 2/3 of whipped cream into peanut butter mixture until fully combined
  8. Pour the whipped cream/peanut butter mixture into the graham cracker crust
  9. Pour the melted chocolate mixture over the entire pie and add the chopped peanuts for decoration
  10. Put the pie in the freezer for 1 hour to allow it to set properly
  11. Try contain yourself for the next hour while the pie sets, then dive in whole-hog and enjoy!
So Good Blog https://www.sogoodblog.com/

Peanut Butter Pie Melted Chocolate Topping

Peanut Butter Pie Peanut Butter Mixture

Peanut Butter Pie Mixture Half Mixed

Peanut Butter Pie Homemade Whipped Cream


Peanut Butter Pie Whipped Cream

Peanut Butter Pie 1/3 Whipped Cream Added

Peanut Butter Pie Mixture Fully Combined

Peanut Butter Pie in Graham Cracker Crust

Peanut Butter Pie Finished

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I am in deep-fried love with food and travel. With Italian roots, I have a weakness for bread, marinara, and mozzarella. I’ll try anything once and am constantly searching for intriguing places to visit. When I'm not savoring the last bite or organizing my next trip, I'm indulging my inner bookworm and writing about my adventures. If you turn on college football and give me a local craft beer, you’ll see the happiest Hokie on the West coast.
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Recipe Name
Fast & Easy Peanut Butter Pie
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